22 April 2009


Yes,I finally finish reading through the 文化notes for the first time! Didn't know how I maganed to do that, but I thought it was a great achievement! And I'm rather proud of myself. With purely scanning and understanding, nothing had been registered in my pea-brain. Still, I just HECK care, for what's the difference between a 2nd lower and 3rd class pay?

Okay, 人生要看得开,才会活得愉快。每个人对人生的要求不同。我对课业的要求则是,顺顺利利能够毕业,就要阿弥陀佛了。老爸星期四回来,星期一又要去云顶。嗨,因为学业忙碌,他每次回新,我都没太多时间和他吃饭聊天。心中一直带着愧疚。但值得欣慰的是,这次考试,将是是我人生当中,最后一场校园暴风雨!为此,无论这回的风雨多大,路有多崎岖,我也会一步一脚印地向前跨进。



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