4 June 2009

New Flat

Okie, guys.... I've gotten a new flat! Sounds like a big toy right? Anyway, the estimated date of completion for this flat would be in Oct 2012, and earliest by end of 2011. When all's done, you guys will be invited over to warm the house! The best thing about the flat is, it's 2 LRT stops away from my current workplace! *victory* Which means, sleeping late and waking up later is going to be a dream come true!

I can't express my excitment now. But I can assure you, I'm financially Stressed!!! Was doing some financial calculation these few days and had realised.........................................
for the next few years, LKL can't anyhow splurge!!! Boohoohoo! That's something rather depressing, isn't it? Nontheless, I believe this is part and parcel of everyone's life!

Today, I got to know a friend's pomeranian had gone to the rainbow bridge. Striker is considered lucky to have had a lovely 1 year with you. Some dogs there are not as fortunate!


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